My very first Tri Shutter card !! Well thats what I think it is called !!
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
The very last one made with leftover bits !!
These were the 3 we made in class.
Sorry girls.......LOADS of photo`s again !! Had my second Hero Arts stamping class and again made 3 cards, but had enough to make 3 more. BUT as usual I had a stamping frenzy and have made loads of cards with them !!
Friday, 22 May 2009
This one is winging its way to my special little friend as I speak. Something in the post for you as well Alyson. Hope you are recovering well !!
The image changes in the window when the card is opened. Clever little card isin`t it !!
Our monthly card club at craft centre was a "Peek-a-Boo" card. Here are a few I have made.
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Just to finish off, this is Beryl one of my lovely ladies who is confined to her chair. On Sunday I did her a party for 20 of her friends and family in her own house. Boy was I knackered afterwards !! A couple of my friends did some sandwiches for me, but I did the rest. Had to set up tables in her bedroom which is next to the sitting room and make thousands of cups of tea, well it felt like thousands anyway !! Beryl had a lovely time which is the main thing.
There wasn`t very much paper left from the mini book, but still managed to make one little card and a few gift tags !! Tags are a great way of using every little bit of paper !! Some of the tags where made from paper left over from the Hero Arts cards.
A lovely waterfull slider page !!
Slider page, we made cards like this a while ago.
Right, last Saturday did 2 classes at my craft centre. I appear to be at the centre every Saturday now !! Must be all the FAB classes Christina is doing !!
The morning class was our monthly card club which was a "Peek-a-Boo" card, will post photos later as the one card I made at class was kept by Christina to show as an example at the next card class !! Have made a few more since, but will post them altogether.
Afternoon class was to make a mini book using "Lime Rickey" papers. Lovely and bright colours on this one !! Just up my street !! Loads of photos I`m afraid, but every page is worth showing I think.
Sunday, 10 May 2009
The point of these classes are to learn different techniques using the stamps.
Love these little russian dolls as well !!
I love the oriental dolly. Hero Arts does a set of them and a MUST HAVE I think !!
Try and keep this lovely craft centre is doing a Hero Arts workshop of 8 sessions where we get to use a selecion of stamps from the new book. Hero Art designers have come up with the design of cards we make, but we can add our own flair if wanted and there is time to play with the stamps as well ie: stamp out as many images as we like to use later !! They were laughing at me while I was having my stamping frenzie !! I LOVE HERO ART STAMPS !! On saturday we made 3 cards, but had enough to make 6 and then I have made the last few cards with bits leftover.