Hiya Girls,
Had my Carpel Tunnel op on Monday. Had to be at the hospital for 7-30 and had my op at 8 which took altogether an hour, but was home at 10 !!
When I arrived the day surgrey unit wasn`t open so had to wait in the hall. Was then delt with by an older nurse who whispered all the time even seeing I wear two hearing aids, nobody took any notice of my hearing aids. It is a good thing I can hear very well with them, except the whispering nurse. Heard of the "Dog whisper, Horse whisper, but not the Nurse whisper " !! Anyway op was fine and even the injections didn`t hurt or sting even though Mr Hayward said they would. Was given a nice cup of tea and bun afterwards because I had been a very good girl.....Thank god it is over and as you can see it is swallon and very stiff, but again thankfully not painfull. Have the stitches out on 2nd of Feb. Had to change the dressing today which is too small, but today I can use the hand a bit. Will be able to do some crafting even though I can`t wipe my bum !!
You learn something every day and this has made me think about my friend Ann who is no longer with us. She had alot wrong with her and then had a stroke on top of everything else so lost the use of her right side. I now know how much she must of struggled with daily life...........
Oh yuck!!!!!! Am pleased you are ok and are going to be able to do some crafting even though the bum wont get any attention!!!!!
Ouch that looks tender! Sending some top up sparkles your way!
Hugs Alyson xx
yuck from me too Diane, glad i see what to expect with my Mum's op when she has it, sparkles, love and hugs from me, Jan xx
oh diane, that looks tender, sending you tons of healing sparkles and that you're be back to crafting soon...
maria x
Diane - there is a "Lovely Blog Award" for you on my blog.
Sue xx
p.s. the other hearing aid went at 6 p.m. while I was walking Max!
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